Native Civil Rights Lawyer Gabe Galanda to Address Pacific Northwest TERO Region

Gabe Galanda will deliver one of the feature addresses at the Pacific Northwest TERO Region's 2013 PNW TERO Spring Conference Agenda on April 30, at the Swinomish Casino in Lodge. He will address "Employment Legal Issues Affecting Indian Country," from a human rights perspective. Consider this recent passage from "Indian Tribes and Human Rights Accountability," by Professor Winona Singel:

Public outcry over human rights abuses also threatens to diminish relationships between tribes and their surrounding communities. Interdependence between tribes and the non-Indian world is a critical facet of everyday life within Indian country. Tribal intergovernmental relationships with local units of government and state and federal agencies are essential for a wide array of government services, from effective law enforcement to the provision of human services to the management of natural resources in Indian country. Furthermore, tribal economic interests depend upon maintaining healthy relationships in commercial dealings. Each of these relationships has the potential to suffer if a tribe gains notoriety for human rights abuses.

As Gabe will explain at the Pacific Northwest TERO Spring Conference, these human rights concerns apply very neatly to the tribal employment context.

Gabriel "Gabe" Galanda is a partner at Galanda Broadman PLLC, of Seattle, an American Indian owned law firm.  He is an enrolled member of the Round Valley Indian Tribes of Covelo, California.  Gabe can be reached at 206.691.3631 or