Ryan Dreveskracht has put his spin on an oldie but a goodie, "Doing Business in Indian Country," as published by the ABA Business Law Section in Business Law Today. An excerpt:
There are more than 566 tribal governments in the United States, varying in population from a few hundred members to more than 600,000, with a land base of more than 52.7 million acres. The past 15 years have seen tribes emerge as powerful economic, legal, and political forces. And as part of this renaissance, tribes are increasingly partnering with non-Indian businesses that bring proven expertise, brand identity, and new capital to their lands.
In this dynamic period, businesses working with tribes—and, most importantly, their attorneys—must have a firm grasp on the nuances of Indian and tribal law. This can be quite a daunting task. Distinct and peculiar issues of law proliferate: Do each of the 566 tribes have their own courts and their own laws? Do these laws apply to non-Indians? Do their courts have jurisdiction over non-Indians? Do the tribes pay taxes? The short answers: yes, yes, yes, and yes—qualified, of course, as follows.
Ryan Dreveskracht is an attorney with Galanda Broadman, PLLC, in Seattle. His practice focuses on representing tribal governments and businesses in gaming, public affairs, taxation, and economic development. He can be reached at (206) 909-3842 or ryan@galandabroadman.com.