Gabe Galanda Featured in "Tribal Councils Increasingly Expel Members"

CQ Researcher has published an in-depth look at Indian Country today, including a profile on disenrollment titled, "Tribal Councils Increasingly Expel Members," in which Gabe Galanda is featured.

Gabriel S. Galanda, a Native American attorney who is fighting the disenrollment of more than 300 members of the Nooksack Indian Tribe in northwest Washington state, attributes the trend to “power and greed” sparked by increasing economic capitalism on native lands. 
Galanda says disenrollment is a non-native concept that stems from federal policies that required tribes to determine who belonged.

Gabriel S. Galanda is the managing lawyer of Galanda Broadman, PLLC, in Seattle. Gabe is a descendant of the Nomlaki and Concow Tribes, belonging to the Round Valley Indian Tribes of Northern California.